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Prestbury St Marys


Current Committee Members:

Chair: Kirsty Stevens

Secretary: Abby Gifkins

Treasurer: Ellen Capewell 


PTFA Minutes

September 2024 Minutes

The Parents', Teachers' and Friends' Association is a registered charity which aims to raise funds for the benefit of the school. As a parent of a child in the school, you are automatically a member of the Association, and, as such, you are welcome to attend PTFA meetings.

We also have representatives for each class (class reps), who liaise between the PTFA and parents in each year group. Please see one of your class representatives or join our helpers' Facebook group if you are able to help out at any events, even if it is only for an hour. We couldn’t raise the amount of money that we do without the contribution of everyone at the school: parents, staff and children alike.

In 2015 the Infant and Junior PTFAs joined forces to become one committee overseeing events for both schools. The current committee is busy planning and organising some fun and exciting events for this academic year.

The PTFA has arranged school discos, Pancake Flips, bake sales, our termly Movie Magic screenings and a highly successful summer event. 


We need you!

The PTFA needs you! 

We are always looking for parents to get involved – be it offering ideas or sponsorship or simply volunteering for an hour to help at an event. Our group is very informal, friendly and great fun. And don’t worry - you won’t get roped into anything you don’t want to do. To get in touch, please speak to one the members or join our St Mary’s PTFA Helpers Facebook group.

Bookings and payments


Our PTFA aims to be as cashless and paperless as possible! All bookings and payments are made via our online system at:


Events coming up...

Please check the PTFA Facebook Page for more information. We have lots of events planned for each term.