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Prestbury St Marys

Our School Day

Infant School

Our day starts with a soft opening at 8.30am. Children can go straight into class where work will be waiting for them. All children must be in class by 8.45am, when registration begins. 

Lessons are from 8.45am to 10.30am (10am in Reception), followed by breaktime. Lunch for Reception children begins at 11.40am, 12pm for Y1 and Y2.

At 1pm we all head into the hall for our daily Service and then afternoon lessons begin at 1.20pm until 3.10pm when the children line up ready to be collected to go home. 

To get an idea of how busy we are everyday, take a look at our galleries!

Junior School

Children can enter the school playground from 8.30am onwards. At 8.40am, children walk into class where work will be waiting for them. All children must be in class by 8.45am, when lessons begin. 

Lessons are from 8.45am to 10.30am, with break time from 10.30am - 10.45am. Lessons then continue until 12.15pm when children have their lunch. There are four sittings for hot lunch and sandwich lunches are either eaten outside or in the school hall. Once the children have eaten, it's playtime. The Lunchtime Supervisors organise a range of games for the children to play. The lower playground is our quiet area, where children can relax, chat and read. The top playground is for running around and joining in the many games on offer. There is also a range of equipment for the children to choose from. Each day, groups of children have the opportunity to play on the school field during lunchtime.

At 1.15pm, the children line up ready for our school service. This might be led by the Senior Leadership Team, a member of staff,  a member of  the Clergy or our Open The Book team. After Service, afternoon lessons begin at 1.30pm and finish at 3pm. The children then  look forward to their 'class reader', when the class teacher reads to the whole class.  At 3.15pm, the class teacher takes the children to the top playground where parents can pick their children up. Kids Club is available for children after school (and before school too).