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Prestbury St Marys

            Our Federation Vision


 At Prestbury St Mary’s Federation, we have been on a journey to create a school vision that describes us, what we want for the children and guides the decisions we make as a church school.

In September 2023 we asked all members of our school community to identify a word which represented Prestbury St Mary's Federation, a corresponding image and a reason for the choice.

One child chose the word ‘Opportunity’ - Opportunities for learning, friendship, fun and new challenges. He chose a photo from his Wilderness trip last year which he loved and which gave him the opportunity to try new activities.


Another family chose the word ‘Remarkable’ after watching a firework display. Like the fireworks, they wanted the Federation to stand out, be unique and 'remarkable'.










Other standouts from staff, children, parents and governors were the words fun, exploration, team and community.

From this and as a team, we created our vision:

Team Prestbury

Developing Remarkable People 

As Team Prestbury, we all possess unique talents and qualities that make us special and remarkable. As a school community, we are on a journey of exploration, rich in opportunity and fun. Together we flourish with God as our guide.

‘For we are God’s Masterpiece, created in Christ to do good things’

Ephesians 2:10.


Our Christian Values have been developed to support and enhance our vision. These Christian Values permeate all we do and drive our Prestbury Curriculum, The Prestbury Learner and our Relational Behaviour Policy.



Jesus said ‘So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.’

Matthew 7:12

Respecting others, respecting ourselves, is our key message in school. We respect people, property and places and we respect ourselves by looking after our bodies and our minds and respecting the many gifts and talents that God has given us.



‘For we are each responsible for our own conduct.’

Galatians 6:5.

This core Christian value is rooted in the Parable of the faithful and wise servant Matthew 24:42-51. Through this parable, Jesus teaches us to be responsible and to use our talents and opportunities wisely.  

This value is key to the work we do in school; that we all have talents and responsibilities.  This is reflected in the responsibility we have to ourselves to always do our best, but also as part of Team Prestbury and the wider world. Responsibility is thinking about the good of everyone, not just what suits one individual and we try to do our best for the good of others as well as ourselves and follow in Jesus' footsteps.



‘Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.’

1 Corinthians 16:13

Readiness means that we are ready now, in this moment, to take on the next challenge. We are ready to use our talents and skills and be the best that we can be. We are ready to receive the word of God, standing firm in our faith