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Prestbury St Marys

Infant PSHE Curriculum

Curriculum Intent for PSHE


Our PSHE curriculum focuses on the development of children’s inter and intrapersonal skills. It is at the heart of our school values and ethos and runs throughout all that we do.

Through our PSHE curriculum, we aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to be healthy, safe, independent and responsible members of society who demonstrate understanding, respect and tolerance towards others.

We follow the Jigsaw Scheme for PSHE. This is a detailed and comprehensive scheme of learning for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. It is a unique, spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work, aiming to prepare children/young people for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. Within this programme, each year group throughout the school will engage with six themes, or puzzles which are revisited with increasing complexity as they develop through the key stages;

*Being Me in My World

*Celebrating Difference

*Dreams and Goals

*Healthy Me


*Changing Me

This spiral curriculum enables the exploration of topics and themes in a progressive way, starting with the basic building blocks and progressing to more complex concepts.

Our PSHE curriculum incorporates an age appropriate and developmentally appropriate understanding of RSE, as set out in the statutory guidance, enabling all children to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships now and in their future lives.


PSHE lessons are timetabled and taught on a weekly basis in all classes across the Infant school with a longer session every two weeks in the Junior school. Teachers follow the Jigsaw scheme plans, making adaptations to suit the needs of the children in their class.

At the start of each year, a class charter is discussed and agreed with, and between the children and the teacher which outline the expectations for each PSHE session. The rules within this charter are regularly revisited within PSHE lessons and help to promote an environment in which the pupils feel safe to participate and share their ideas, thoughts and opinions. 

Timetabled PSHE sessions are also used as an opportunity to teach aspects of the Prestbury Learner behaviours, sometimes interwoven with the Jigsaw programme or on other occasions as the primary focus of a session.

There are always occasions where teachers may feel it appropriate to teach an aspect of PSHE as a result of an issue that has arisen in their own class or in the wider school community.

Opportunities for PSHE focus days are also planned into the whole school calendar and enrich and enhance our provision. These include national initiatives such as Children’s Mental Health Week, Anti-Bullying Week (including Odd Socks day), Dare to be Different and Children in Need.

PSHE is an important part of our services offer, where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured. Each term’s new Jigsaw puzzle is introduced to the children in a launch assembly and promotes the key messages of the theme.

In Reception and KS1, teachers record the children’s learning in a class floor book which is kept in an accessible place within the classroom and can be referred to at any time. Evidence within this book is often in the form of photographs, quotes from children and examples of their work.

In KS2, evidence of learning in PSHE sessions is through pupils’ own Jigsaw journals. Each child in the Juniors is given a Jigsaw Journal folder in Year 3. The journals are kept throughout the school and should show progression. These are kept in the classroom and can be referred to at any time.

All classes across the school have a designated values display area and this is changed termly to reflect the current school value. These core school values are a fundamental part of the ethos at Prestbury St Mary’s and are routinely referred to by pupils and teachers.

When appropriate, a Jigsaw/PSHE display will be put up in classrooms or in main areas around the school. This highlights the importance of PSHE as a subject and is a useful reminder for the children to see what has been going on in PSHE.


We are proud of the PSHE curriculum that we deliver at Prestbury St Mary’s Federation and this is clearly demonstrated by the behaviour, attitudes and relationships between all members of the school community.

By teaching pupils to have a strong sense of their own identity, show respect to others, know how to stay safe and healthy, have aspirations and build self-esteem, resilience and empathy, we are preparing them to be healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our PSHE curriculum allows pupils to learn about the rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.

We measure impact through a monitoring process which involves pupil voice discussions about their learning, regular monitoring of Jigsaw floor books and pupil journals and learning walks. All teachers are involved in discussions with the PSHE subject leader during each academic year, with small subject focus groups working together to evaluate current provision, identify next steps before then completing a cycle of plan, do, review.