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Prestbury St Marys


Reception Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2024


Reception Curriculum Celebration Summer 2024


Reception Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 2024


Reception Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2023


Reception Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 2 2023


Reception visit All Things Wild



We have had a fantastic Spring Term, starting with the question, why is our planet awesome? The children had lots of ideas and were passionate about looking after our planet, making sure that we put our litter in the bin. We have explored the galaxy, by learning interesting facts about the planets and by experimenting with craters on the moon and flying rockets. We have learnt about who Neil Armstrong is and why he is famous. Some of us dressed up as astronauts and pretended to voyage to the moon and outer space. This term we are consolidating our counting forwards and backwards to 10 and have been busy representing 9 and 10 in different ways. The children had fun designing their own aliens and writing sentences to describe them. We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring different ways to print by making our own planets and moons and learning about the artists, Jackson Pollock, Terry Frost and Andy Warhol. During British Science Week we used our senses and made connections to guess the smells in the pots and discover which cans belonged with which. We rolled the  cans down a ramp, felt the weight and listened to the sounds they made, to help us decide. It was really fun deciding which objects we thought would float or sink and then testing them. After listening to the Easter story, we have been busy making lots of Easter cards and crafts. We can’t wait for Easter day!

Reception Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 4 2023


This term Reception answered the question What can I do in Prestbury? Through enquiry-based sessions, the children discovered you could go to the park, visit the village shop, get petrol from the garage or even visit the library. Each class voted for where they would most like to visit. Red Class visited Prestbury Park and Blue Class visited Prestbury Library. Once back at school, the children represented their journeys by creating individual maps. We also celebrated Lunar New Year and were lucky enough to taste some delicious Chinese food from Caterlink. We created our own lion and dragon dances and made beautiful lanterns. We discovered lots of information such as the national animal, flower, bird, mythical creature, the weather, famous sports and much more – please do ask us to share our knowledge with you. Within our topic ‘Terrific Tales’ we have enjoyed listening to a variety of traditional tales as well as learning two stories off by heart; The Little Red Hen and The Gingerbread Man. Unfortunately, our Gingerbread Man escaped so we spent the last week of term creating wanted posters and searching the school for clues. This term also enabled us to become cyclists! We have had weekly Balanceability sessions with Coach Sam and every child has shown what a fantastic Prestbury Learner they are as they consistently demonstrate resilience. We are looking forward to our final 4 sessions next term. We are continuing to develop our mathematics skills and are starting to mentally recall key number skills such as one more and one less and number bonds to 5. What a wonderful start to 2023!

Reception Curriculum Celebration Spring 3 2023

This term Reception answered the question What can I do in Prestbury? Through enquiry-based sessions, the children discovered you could go to the park, visit the village shop, get petrol from the garage or even visit the library. Each class voted for where they would most like to visit. Red Class visited Prestbury Park and Blue Class visited Prestbury Library. Once back at school, the children represented their journeys by creating individual maps. We also celebrated Lunar New Year and were lucky enough to taste some delicious Chinese food from Caterlink. We created our own lion and dragon dances and made beautiful lanterns. We discovered lots of information such as the national animal, flower, bird, mythical creature, the weather, famous sports and much more – please do ask us to share our knowledge with you. Within our topic ‘Terrific Tales’ we have enjoyed listening to a variety of traditional tales as well as learning two stories off by heart; The Little Red Hen and The Gingerbread Man. Unfortunately, our Gingerbread Man escaped so we spent the last week of term creating wanted posters and searching the school for clues. This term also enabled us to become cyclists! We have had weekly Balanceability sessions with Coach Sam and every child has shown what a fantastic Prestbury Learner they are as they consistently demonstrate resilience. We are looking forward to our final 4 sessions next term. We are continuing to develop our mathematics skills and are starting to mentally recall key number skills such as one more and one less and number bonds to 5. What a wonderful start to 2023!


Reception Nativity 2022


This term Reception have been celebrating difference. We have worn odd socks to highlight how fun and good it can be, to be different. We have explored how our families and homes can be different and have shared our experiences. Within our topic Sparkle and Shine we have enjoyed learning about the festival, Diwali. We made coconut barfi sweets and clay diva lamps, as well as painting the Taj Mahal! We found out who Guy Fawkes is and why we celebrate bonfire night. We used our observation skills to look at nocturnal animals, as well as finding information about animal habitats in books and online. We continue to develop our fine motor skills through fun and challenging activities, as well as enriching and widening our understanding of seasonal changes.

Reception Curriculum Celebration Autumn 2 2022



Firefighters visit Reception


 Reception have had a fantastic first term at school. We have been busy getting to know each other and have been learning the names of our new friends. The children have had great fun exploring the classrooms and outside garden. Our highlight has been the final week of term with a focus of People Who Help Us and we have been super lucky to have four visits from the police, paramedics and dentist. 

People Who Help Us


Reception Curriculum Celebration Autumn 1 2022


Reception Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 1 2022

Reception Spring Term 2022 Review

Reception have thoroughly enjoyed a fun-filled term centred around our ‘Planet Awesome’ topic which has prompted some super learning across the curriculum. The children have found out so many interesting facts about the 8 planets in our solar system and even made their own 3D planet using the app Quiver. We explored the concept of gravity by creating straw rockets, created craters in our moon surface and even made flubber slime. We also joined in with British Science Week and grew our own cress heads. The children all became budding artists this term and developed their drawing skills by creating spiral planets as well as creating monoprint and marbled plants. We had another super visit from Caterlink to deliver a healthy eating session which linked with our Jigsaw unit of ‘Healthy Me’. In maths we have been busy developing our mental recall of number bonds to 5 and 10. Following on from last term’s local area studies, we were able to visit Prestbury library and St Mary’s Church for a special Open the Book Service for Easter. At every opportunity the children have loved exploring the outdoors, taking notice of the season and changes in the school grounds.

Reception Curriculum Celebration Spring 2 2022


Reception Curriculum Celebration Summer 1 2022

This term started with a surprise parcel. Inside were five tiny caterpillars for each class. We looked after the caterpillars for the next few weeks until they formed a chrysalis and then completed metamorphosis into butterflies. We observed and noticed the changes to the caterpillars, as well as the changes in ourselves since we were babies. Each week we had a cricket coach teach us some key cricket skills and we continued to practise on the balance bikes. We have been busy using our phonics knowledge to write sentences and have been learning to add two groups together accurately. We learnt about an artist called, Georgia O’Keeffe and produced some enlarged paintings of butterflies and fossil sculptures. To mark the Queen’s Jubilee, we learnt about the Queen and how she has changed since she was a baby. We made crowns and flags and joined in the school parade.

 Reception Sports Day - Summer 2022

Reception Curriculum Celebration Summer 1 2022

This term started with a surprise parcel. Inside were five tiny caterpillars for each class. We looked after the caterpillars for the next few weeks until they formed a chrysalis and then completed metamorphosis into butterflies. We observed and noticed the changes to the caterpillars, as well as the changes in ourselves since we were babies. Each week we had a cricket coach teach us some key cricket skills and we continued to practise on the balance bikes. We have been busy using our phonics knowledge to write sentences and have been learning to add two groups together accurately. We learnt about an artist called, Georgia O’Keeffe and produced some enlarged paintings of butterflies and fossil sculptures. To mark the Queen’s Jubilee, we learnt about the Queen and how she has changed since she was a baby. We made crowns and flags and joined in the school parade.


Reception Curriculum Celebration Summer 2 2022