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Prestbury St Marys


Y2 Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2024


England Day in Y2


Y2 Wales Day


Y2 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 2024


Y2 visit to Warwick Castle


Y2 Indian Food Tasting Day


Y2 India Day


Y2 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 2024


Florence Nightingale visits Y2


Y2 Victorian Day



Y2 Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2023


Y2 Wales Day

Year 2 had a fantastic time exploring Wales! We made Welsh dragons, daffodils, built landmarks and tasted Welsh cakes. Miss Blay came to teach us some of the Welsh language and we also found out that Wales has over 600 castles!


Y2 Scotland Day

We loved experiencing a range of activities to help us learn about Scotland! We used weaving skills to design tartan, debated over the existence of the loch ness monster, made thistles and landmarks and tried some shortbread.


Y2 Northern Ireland Day

We had so much fun exploring Northern Ireland. We create a range of human and physical features, including the Giant’s Causeway, Carrick a Rede bridge and the Titanic Quarter. We also created shamrocks, tasted potato cakes and tried some Irish dancing!



Y2 England Day

Year 2 have enjoyed exploring England! We made tourist maps of London, built English landmarks, and made crowns, roses and English flags. We then all tasted some yummy fruit scones!


Y2 England Day

Year 2 have enjoyed exploring England! We made tourist maps of London, built English landmarks, and made crowns, roses and English flags. We then all tasted some yummy fruit scones!


Y2 visit to Warwick Castle

Year 2 enjoyed a fascinating visit to Warwick castle. We spotted many of the defensive features that we had studied in lessons and we watched jousting, the trebuchet and falconry as well as participating in a guided tour.



Y2 visit to St Mary's Church

Year 2 had a fantastic time visiting St Mary’s church. We had the opportunity to ask Father Nick questions and we also explored many church features that we had learned about in religious education lessons.

 Year 2 had a fantastic time visiting St Mary’s church. We had the opportunity to ask Father Nick questions and we also explored many church features that we had learned about in religious education lessons.


Y2 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 1 2023

Summer Term 1 Year two have been working so hard this term, and we’ve had lots of fun as well! We practised lots of different maths skills in preparation for our assessments, and we have really enjoyed celebrating the build-up to the coronation of King Charles III. In science, we have been growing beans as part of an on-going investigation, and in computing, we have made our own animations on ipads.


Year 2 have enjoyed a busy term 4! We have been building up to Easter by learning the different parts of the Easter story in Religious Education, such as re-enacting Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. In Maths, we have explored different measures and in Design and Technology, we have worked together in teams to design, make and evaluate a winding mechanism.  We also took part in a SATEM challenge to build a chair.  Our PE has focussed on team games, learning to communicate and work together in order to succeed.

Y2 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 4



India Day

Year Two really enjoyed India day! Beforehand, we came up with questions about India and then, during the day, we worked hard to find the answers! We explored Rangoli patterns, Indian animals, the weather, and we looked closely at a range of cities and villages. In the afternoon, we tried out some Indian dancing and food tasting!

India Day



Year 2 dressed up as Victorians and spent the day experiencing a range of lessons that would have been taught in Victorian Schools. We practised handwriting, use slate boards, calculated with Victorian money and played Victorian games with our friends in the afternoon.

Y2 Victorian Day



Y2 Curriculum Celebration Spring 3 2023


Year 2 have enjoyed a fun and festive term! In November, we participated in Anti-Bullying Week with many activities, including Odd Socks Day. We built on our knowledge of materials in science, carrying out our own investigations, and, in English, we read The Great Explorer by Chris Judge – interviewing each other was really fun and it allowed us to develop our understanding of different characters’ feelings in the book. We also worked collaboratively together during our Jigsaw lessons, acting out a range of playground scenarios so that we know how we can tackle difficult friendship issues. In our RE work we have been finding out more about the Christmas story in the Gospel of St Luke and why it is so important to Christians.  


Y2 Curriculum Celebration Autumn 2 2022


Viney Hill Christmas Adventure

What an adventure we had at Viney Hill this year!  The sun shone on us at the Christian Adventure Centre as we found out more about the Christmas story, transporting gifts from the Wise Men across various obstacles and challenges, finding out about Jesus being the light of the world for Christians, and just how important light is in the darkness of a tunnel maze!  We joined in with orienteering to track down Christmas clues, set up a shepherd’s camp, by using fire steels to start the campfire, and even had time to visit the local church.  The centre staff were impressed with what excellent Prestbury Learners we were and we had a huge amount of fun too.

Year 2 visit to Viney Hill



We have had a fantastic first term in year two! We have explored place value and shape in Maths. Our writing this term has been inspired by ‘Tadpole’s Promise’ by Tony Ross, and we enjoyed using drama to explore the character’s feelings. We recently had a fun visit from the Life Bus as part of our PSHE.  In Science, we have been exploring animals including humans, finding out how babies grow into adults as well as how exercise, a balanced diet and good hygiene keep us healthy. We even had a visit from a VIP; an 11-week-old baby!  Our art unit this term has been ‘Colour Crazy’, where we have learned to mix and use watercolour paints and have produced our own artworks inspired by Wassily Kandinsky, Bridget Riley, Georgia O’Keefe and Piet Mondrian.


Year 2 Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 1 2022

We have had a fantastic first term in year two! We have explored place value and shape in Maths. Our writing this term has been inspired by ‘Tadpole’s Promise’ by Tony Ross, and we enjoyed using drama to explore the character’s feelings. We recently had a fun visit from the Life Bus as part of our PSHE. In Science, we have been exploring animals including humans, finding out how babies grow into adults as well as how exercise, a balanced diet and good hygiene keep us healthy. We even had a visit from a VIP; an 11-week-old baby! Our art unit this term has been ‘Colour Crazy’, where we have learned to mix and use watercolour paints and have produced our own artworks inspired by Wassily Kandinsky, Bridget Riley, Georgia O’Keefe and Piet Mondrian.


Scotland Day - Geography Theme Autumn 2022

Our third United Kingdom day was centred around Scotland! We investigated pictures of the Loch Ness Monster to see whether we thought it was real or fake. We also made thistles, Loch Ness puppets, tartan and we created Scottish landmarks. Lots of us also enjoyed tasting some shortbread!


Wales Day - Geography Theme Autumn 2022


England Day in Y2 - Autumn 2022

Year 2 had a fantastic morning exploring England! We tasted scones, used printing techniques to make roses, created large tourist maps of London and much more! We particularly enjoyed building and learning about many physical and human landmarks in England.


Year 2 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 1 2022

 Victorian Day

On History Day, Year Two travelled back to 1868 for an experience of life as Victorian School Children.  To be completely authentic, we followed the timetable for a school day taken directly for the actual Victorian school log book for own own school!  The children were expected to be seen not heard, and worked through the morning without a break.  Many enjoyed trying the complex Victorian handwriting on writing slates (at least if they weren’t being forced to write with their right hands), but repetitive chanting for Maths and Reading was not as popular.  Of course, some Victorian punishments were inevitable, including the dunce’s hat, finger stocks and a terrifying caning!  Victorian drill proved very different to a PE lesson today, but, by far, our favourite part of the day was playing marbles, skipping and learning hoop and stick during a long lunch lunchtime.  We enjoyed the day but the children voted overwhelmingly to return to 2022 for a more modern approach to learning!


Year 2 Victorian Day

Viney Hill

Year Two’s visit to Viney Hill Christian Adventure Centre was a real triumph!  After several years of limitations, it was wonderful to be out and about again on a Christmas Adventure.  The children took part in an amazing array of activities from bush craft to orienteering and from exploring the church onsite to crawling through tunnels!  Whatever they took part in, team work was essential and throughout the whole day we also learned more about the story of Christmas.  It was a very active day and the children were more than ready to tuck into the healthy, balanced packed lunches they had planned and made for their D&T project.   We all faced the challenges of the day in different ways but everyone came home proud of their achievements.  Thank you to all the parents for sending your children along and a special thank you to the PTFA for making the day affordable by funding the transportation!

Year 2 visit to Viney Hill

 Y2 Spring Term 4 2022 Review

Once again, Year 2 have packed a huge amount of learning and fun into this term.  Our RE work learning, about why Easter is important to Christians, has given us a chance to create some beautiful artworks and explore the Easter story through drama.  We even had our own Easter Bonnet parade to celebrate.  In Design and Technology, we have learned about simple winding mechanisms, drawn up our own ‘design criteria’ and found out how we can improve our products by trying out our ideas.  Geography work saw us set off on a journey navigating around Prestbury using maps and symbols. It didn’t stop there, though, our day of activities learning about India proved very popular, especially the Bollywood dancing and the delicious food we tried full of Indian spices!


Y2 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 2 2022


Y2 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 6 2022

After an assessment focused start to the Summer Term, SATs now seem like a distant memory. Our Science has seen the children exploring the fauna in our school grounds, learning about germination and growing their own bean plants from seeds. We’ve expressed our creativity, making prints inspired by William Morris and Henri Rousseau and got active with some brilliant cricket coaching. Our RE work has taken us the Masjid-E-Noor Mosque and Gloucester Cathedral where we found out first-hand how Christians and Muslims worship in places that are sacred to them. Throw in a Platinum Jubilee and some bouncy castle fun and it’s been quite the term!