Y1 Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2024
Y1 Brazil Day!
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 2024
Seaside Day for Y1
Y1 visit to Simpsons Fish and Chips!
Multi Sports for Y1
RNLI visit and Y1 raise money for the charity
Y1 visit to Cotswold Wildlife Park
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 2024
Y1 Prestbury Visit
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2023
Y1 Greenland Day
Y1 Brazil Day!
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 2 2023
Y1 visit Simpsons Fish and Chips
Y1 visit 'Prestbury Beach'!
Y1 visit 'Prestbury Beach'!
Y1 Climbing Wall Treat
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 1 2023
Y1 visit to Cotswold Wildlife Park!
Y1 have certainly packed a lot of learning and fun into a short term! We have continued to develop our ‘Prestbury Learner’ skills of resilience and communication and have enjoyed celebrating each other’s successes.
In maths, we have mainly been working on place value with numbers to 50 and addition and subtraction to 20; our knowledge of number bonds to 10 has helped us a lot.
In literacy, we have taken a break from story writing and focussed instead on poetry and non-fiction writing. Our topic of ‘Africa’ has provided us with lots of inspiration for some super poems and great factual accounts about lions and elephants.
Animals have also featured heavily in our science work, where we have been learning about which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We had so much fun making fake animal poo and then investigating a sample to see which diet it fitted!
Our geography studies have taken us to Kenya, in Africa where we have learned about homes, shopping and life in Kenya, comparing what is similar and what is different to us in Prestbury. The highlights of this topic have undoubtedly been the African drumming day & our African theme day.
PE this term has seen us developing our early hockey skills and putting these skills into practise in pairs or small team games.
Jigsaw work has focussed on ‘Healthy Me’ where we have talked about making healthy life choices and staying safe with medicines and cleaning products. The children really impressed us with their healthy outlook on life!
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 4 2023
Year 1 Africa Day
Y1 Africa Day!
Year One really enjoyed walking around our local area. We identified human and physical features, and we made our teachers proud by demonstrating excellent behaviour and fantastic observational skills!
Y1 Walk around Prestbury
What a fun packed term Year 1 have had! We have been looking at what resilience is, listening to stories of people who have shown resilience and discussed how we can develop this skill. We are very proud of everyone for working on this.
In literacy we have been focusing on the stories ‘Handa’s Surprise’, ‘Handa’s Hen’ and ‘One day on our blue planet in the savannah. We have been describing characters and the setting using adjectives.
In maths we have been exploring numbers from 10 to 20 and understanding place value. We have been learning to add and subtract using a ten frame and number line.
In Geography we have been learning about our local area (before learning about Africa). We really enjoyed walking around our local area. We identified human and physical features, and we made our teachers proud by demonstrating excellent behaviour and fantastic observational skills!
Tuesday afternoon with Coach Sam has been fabulous and an opportunity to develop team work and ball skills. Computing has made us think about how to stay safe online and what to do if you are worried about anything. Our Jigsaw lessons have been discussing our goals and dreams and how to overcome difficulties.
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 3 2023
We have had another busy term in Y1, working on developing our ‘Prestbury Learner’ skills. We have particularly focussed on communication skills by working hard to listen carefully, look at the person talking and speak clearly back to them.
Our work in literacy has been stimulated by ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have written character descriptions, designed new houses for the pigs, written letters to the wolf and made up our own new version of the story.
Maths lessons have seen us comparing and adding and subtracting numbers to 10 while working on our problem -solving skills. We have also worked very hard on clear number formation.
In science we have thought about the season of ‘Autumn’ and completed work about our wonderful bodies. This work allowed us to explore our 5 senses and think about how important they are.
We have had a history focus this term too, where we have learned more about The Gunpowder Plot, Remembrance Day and the history of teddy bears.
RE lessons have got us thinking about how Christians show love, and how we can show love to those we care about.
Alongside all this super learning we have also made time for dance, art, computing, Jigsaw and even a bit of much needed golden time!
Phew- time for a rest over Christmas!
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2 2022
What a great first term we have had in Year One, which began with us voting for our school councillors.
The children have all been working really hard this term, demonstrating positive learning habits, independence, perseverance and working together as a team. We have immersed ourselves in our topic ‘Once upon a time’. In English we have retold the story of the ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and created a Wanted Poster for the very naughty Goldilocks- we still have not found her!
In maths we have been focusing on place value. The children have completed lots of independent challenges and have really enjoyed exploring the numbers 1 to 10.
In Geography we travelled to 2 very contrasting countries and our enquiry-based learning allowed the children to be inquisitive and curious about the countries. On Brazil day we tasted delicious fruit, danced in Rio, explored the Amazon rainforest (including looking at all the wonderful creatures) and created Sugarloaf Mountain and Christ the Redeemer status out of Lego and playdough. We also discussed where the county is located in relation to the equator.
On Greenland day we wrapped up warm and explored lots of ice activities! We looked at the animals and made artic foxes and walruses out of paper plates. We also created igloos and discussed how some people in Greenland live in a traditional Inuit way. We looked at Google Earth and compared its location to Brazil.
In art we have used our creatives skills to make three sculptures- one out of natural objects, one from paper and one from clay.
In computing we have been learning all about algorithms and have learn some new vocabulary including: algorithms, bug, debugging and decomposition.
Science lessons have been all about exploring materials and their properties, culminating with us helping ‘discovery dog’ to find the best material for fixing a leaky kennel roof.
What a busy term!
Year 1 Curriculum Celebration Autumn 1 2022
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 1 2022
Year One really enjoyed walking around our local area. We identified human and physical features, and we made our teachers proud by demonstrating excellent behaviour and fantastic observational skills!
Y1 Spring 3 Walk To Prestbury
African Drumming Day
Orange and Yellow class had a brilliant drumming workshop! We were able to explore a range of instruments, and we enjoyed lots of games that taught us how to use rhythm and storytelling in our music and dance.
Y1 African Drumming Day January 2022
Y1 African WoW Day
Year one had a fun-filled day immersing themselves in African life! We role played markets, using African money to purchase clothes, fruit and artefacts. We also used weaving techniques to create baskets and jewellery, and we enjoyed a wide range of art and story – telling activities. The children are becoming increasingly confident with exploring maps and atlases to identify Africa, as well as the other locations that we have studied this year. During the afternoon, we were able to try some African dishes, and learn about fruits and vegetables that are produced.
Y1 African WoW Day February 2022
Y1 Spring Term 4 2022 Review
Y1 African WoW Day February 2022
Y1 visit to Cotswold Wildlife Park
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Spring 2 2022
RNLI visit Y1
Multi Skills Trip
Y1 Seaside Day!
Y1 Curriculum Celebration Summer 6 2022