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Prestbury St Marys


The Prestbury St Mary's Federation is Voluntary Aided, supported by St Mary's Church. This means that the Governing Body is responsible for school admissions, although families should apply for their child's place through Gloucestershire County Council, which administers the process on behalf of the Federation.

Families will normally receive their school admissions pack in the autumn before their child is due to start school the following September. The Supplementary Information Form is required for those families applying under the church criteria, and this should be returned to the school office.

In the meantime, if you have any queries regarding admissions, please contact admissions@psm-school.co.uk

Admissions Policies for 2024

St Mary's C of E Infant School Admissions Policy 2024

Prestbury St Mary's C of E Junior School Admissions Policy 2024

 Admissions Policies for 2025

St Mary's C of E Infant School Admissions Policy 2025

Prestbury St Mary's C of E Junior School Admissions Policy 2025

Admissions Policies for 2026

St. Mary’s C of E Infant School Admissions Policy 2026

Prestbury St. Mary’s C of E Junior School Admissions Policy 2026

Qualifying Addresses for Priority Area

Supplementary Information Form

To be completed and returned to the infant school if you are considering applying for a place under our church membership criteria:

St Mary's C of E Infant School Supplementary Information Form

Prestbury St Mary's C of E Junior School Supplementary Information Form

Supporting Information

Maps displaying the parish boundary and the priority areas are currently being prepared and will be uploaded upon completion.

These documents are included for guidance only. It is important to contact admissions@psm-school.co.uk or the school office if you are in any doubt or have any queries regarding the parish and priority area boundaries.


If you wish to make an Appeal for not being allocated a place at St Mary’s, please contact the relevant school administrator to receive a copy of the Appeals Form. 


For places allocated as part of the normal admissions round (i.e in April)  we would appreciate it if the Appeals Forms were returned to school by 20th May;  the Appeal Hearings will take place in June/July.

Appeal Hearings for all other admissions (i.e in-year admissions)  can take place at any time and the forms should be returned to school as soon as possible


Your Appeal will be considered by an independent panel appointed by the Local Authority.


See https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions/information-on-admission-appeals/  for further information on Appeals.

In-year Applications

 The St. Mary's Federation manages its own in-year applications. To apply for a place please complete the In-year application form and return it to the relevant school office or by email to admin@psminf-school.co.uk (infants) or admin@psm-school.co.uk (junior)

If applicable, the form should be accompanied by a supplementary information form (see above)

If multiple applications for the same year group are received at the same time, then the applications will be ranked according to the current admissions policy.

Parents will be notified in writing within 15 school days on the outcome of the application. If the application is refused, then the reasons for refusal will be given. There is a legal right to appeal the decision and the papers can be obtained from the relevant school office.

For more information on applying for a place in the school year, please visit the following link:


Waiting List Request Form

St Mary's C of E Infant school Waiting List Request form

Questions and Comments?

Please email us: admissions@psm-school.co.uk